Hitting the Job Search Reset Button
Introduction The turkey has been eaten, and so have the leftovers. The presents have been opened, and the wrapping paper and boxes have long been discarded. The Christmas tree is [...]
Introduction The turkey has been eaten, and so have the leftovers. The presents have been opened, and the wrapping paper and boxes have long been discarded. The Christmas tree is [...]
Introduction I have a business acquaintance who has made a habit of e-mailing me at least once a year to lament his lack of success in securing alternate employment. This [...]
Introduction The word “ethics” frequently arises in the daily routine of many businesses. Companies today have almost universally incorporated the ethical mantra into their mission statements. Corporate social responsibility reports [...]
Introduction With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ensuing rise in unemployment, many are contemplating whether to start their own business. Certainly, being self-employed has a certain appeal. [...]
Introduction Networking. Depending on who you talk to the word conjures up a variety of emotions, everything from excitement through to fear, loathing and trepidation. Numerous writers and business professionals [...]
Introduction I have a huge admiration for entertainers. The dedication and sacrifice that many of them commit to honing their talent, mastering their craft, striving for recognition or simply surviving [...]
Introduction Does this sound familiar? You check your usual job board and find the ideal opportunity. You review the position description and believe it fits perfectly with your background, experience [...]
Introduction As I write this month’s blog the unemployment rate in Canada has risen to roughly 12%. Approximately 3.2 million Canadians have applied for some kind of employment benefit or [...]
Introduction It probably goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic is the most existential threat our society has faced seen since the Second World War. I’ve lived through the Cuban [...]
Introduction What will be the long-term employment impacts of COVID1-19? I have been contemplating this question as the COVID-19 virus worsens and governments everywhere undertake dramatic measures to contain this [...]
Introduction I think one of the hardest things applicants face is maintaining job search momentum. When one first embarks on a job search there is often a heightened sense of [...]
Introduction How do you know if a supervisor is being genuine when they ask for feedback? This is a question I hear asked by many clients and colleagues. Too often, [...]
“Activity generates success”. Those three sage words of advice were the first I received on my first job after graduating from Queen’s University in August 1978. I was offered a [...]
Introduction One of the increasing trends I’ve noticed in both the workplace and educational environments is people struggling to keep pace with the demands of work and home life. It [...]
Introduction How do you deal with entitled people? I’ve been confronted this issue twice in the past few months. One involved a student, and the other a client’s organization. While [...]
Introduction Bosses. We’ve all had them. Some are good while some, unfortunately, are not so great. We all yearn for a boss who will be supportive, encouraging and instructive, but [...]
Introduction How do you know when it is time to end a relationship? How long do you continue in a relationship before realizing that things won’t improve? Is it possible [...]
If I could go back in time what advice would I give to a younger me? I asked myself this question last month as I reflected upon the approach [...]
Introduction One of the most frustrating parts of the recruitment process for many applicants, and indeed there are many, is the waiting period between the time you apply and when/if [...]
Introduction One of the most critical skills any business professional needs to deploy either for their job search or networking is a good elevator speech. Ironically, despite its widespread [...]
Introduction Recently, I watched the testimony of Jody Wilson Raybould, Canada’s former Justice Minister, who was appearing before the Parliamentary Justice Committee as part of the SNC-Lavalin investigation. Her [...]
Introduction Earlier last month I had the pleasure of speaking to the Networking Group of the Halton Chapter of the Human Resources Professionals Association in Burlington. For the last several [...]
Introduction In one of the Human Resources classes I teach one of my students recently asked the following question: Why, after more than thirty years since the passage of Canada’s [...]
Introduction Consistency matters in today’s workplace. I was reminded of this fact the other day as I opened the Sports section of my newspaper and reviewed the NHL hockey standings. [...]
Introduction If you are like me the period following Christmas and New Year’s is always an emotional letdown. The presents have been opened (or returned), the parties have come and [...]