Practice Makes Permanent, Not Perfect
Introduction I have a business acquaintance who has made a habit of e-mailing me at least once a year to lament his lack of success in securing alternate employment. This [...]
Introduction I have a business acquaintance who has made a habit of e-mailing me at least once a year to lament his lack of success in securing alternate employment. This [...]
Introduction The word “ethics” frequently arises in the daily routine of many businesses. Companies today have almost universally incorporated the ethical mantra into their mission statements. Corporate social responsibility reports [...]
Introduction With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ensuing rise in unemployment, many are contemplating whether to start their own business. Certainly, being self-employed has a certain appeal. [...]
Introduction I have a huge admiration for entertainers. The dedication and sacrifice that many of them commit to honing their talent, mastering their craft, striving for recognition or simply surviving [...]
Introduction Does this sound familiar? You check your usual job board and find the ideal opportunity. You review the position description and believe it fits perfectly with your background, experience [...]
Introduction As I write this month’s blog the unemployment rate in Canada has risen to roughly 12%. Approximately 3.2 million Canadians have applied for some kind of employment benefit or [...]
Introduction It probably goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic is the most existential threat our society has faced seen since the Second World War. I’ve lived through the Cuban [...]
Introduction What will be the long-term employment impacts of COVID1-19? I have been contemplating this question as the COVID-19 virus worsens and governments everywhere undertake dramatic measures to contain this [...]
Introduction I think one of the hardest things applicants face is maintaining job search momentum. When one first embarks on a job search there is often a heightened sense of [...]
Introduction How do you know if a supervisor is being genuine when they ask for feedback? This is a question I hear asked by many clients and colleagues. Too often, [...]
“Activity generates success”. Those three sage words of advice were the first I received on my first job after graduating from Queen’s University in August 1978. I was offered a [...]
Introduction One of the increasing trends I’ve noticed in both the workplace and educational environments is people struggling to keep pace with the demands of work and home life. It [...]
Introduction How do you deal with entitled people? I’ve been confronted this issue twice in the past few months. One involved a student, and the other a client’s organization. While [...]
Introduction Bosses. We’ve all had them. Some are good while some, unfortunately, are not so great. We all yearn for a boss who will be supportive, encouraging and instructive, but [...]
Introduction How do you know when it is time to end a relationship? How long do you continue in a relationship before realizing that things won’t improve? Is it possible [...]
If I could go back in time what advice would I give to a younger me? I asked myself this question last month as I reflected upon the approach [...]
Introduction One of the most frustrating parts of the recruitment process for many applicants, and indeed there are many, is the waiting period between the time you apply and when/if [...]
Introduction One of the most critical skills any business professional needs to deploy either for their job search or networking is a good elevator speech. Ironically, despite its widespread [...]
Introduction Recently, I watched the testimony of Jody Wilson Raybould, Canada’s former Justice Minister, who was appearing before the Parliamentary Justice Committee as part of the SNC-Lavalin investigation. Her [...]
Introduction Earlier last month I had the pleasure of speaking to the Networking Group of the Halton Chapter of the Human Resources Professionals Association in Burlington. For the last several [...]
Introduction In one of the Human Resources classes I teach one of my students recently asked the following question: Why, after more than thirty years since the passage of Canada’s [...]
Introduction Consistency matters in today’s workplace. I was reminded of this fact the other day as I opened the Sports section of my newspaper and reviewed the NHL hockey standings. [...]
Introduction If you are like me the period following Christmas and New Year’s is always an emotional letdown. The presents have been opened (or returned), the parties have come and [...]